Topping food in style

Karnis Aiolis’ are a perfect companion for vegetables, sandwiches, burgers, grilling & fries

Smoked Chipotle

A sublime blend of smoked, dried chipotle, fire roasted peppers and fresh garlic with a special mix of herbs and seasoning creates a perfectly balanced Smoky Spicy Chipotle Aioli that stays with you to the last bite.

2019 • NEW Flavor

Coming soon

A combination of Dijon mustard, fresh garlic and lemon juice with a blend of herbs and special seasoning delivers a perfect creamy Garlic Aioli. 

Available in Cilantro, Parsley or Basil flavor.



A one of a kind blend of hot and sweet peppers with assorted seasoning and spices creates a unique taste that makes you ask for more.


A sophisticated blend of mustards, honey, fresh garlic and a special mix of seasoning gives Mustard Aioli a rich delicate flavor.


A mix of sweet and spicy chili, with fresh garlic and an Asian touch, brings forth a sweet tangy Creamy Chili Aioli.